I believe I was doula before I even knew what a doula was. Back when Netflix still sent DVDs, I watched a documentary called “The Business of Being Born”. I felt awakened and my thoughts about birth were transformed. I started to see how birth could and should be for all who are involved, but also how pregnancy and birth can be so focused on just the baby and THE most important person is less focused on-the birthing person. Since then,I have been drawn to anything birth related. When any friend or family member became pregnant, I just wanted to be there during their pregnancy, birth, and especially after. This still happens till this day, but now it’s for anyone not just my friends and family.

I am originally from the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. Los Angeles has always been a second home, but we moved across the country to beautiful California mid Covid in 2021 (with a 6 month old). I have worked in various industries from retail to restaurants to healthcare. My first career is in Dental Hygiene. It allows me to build relationships with my patients while providing individualized evidence based care. This career has given me a great foundation into my doula work-nurturing others is just second nature to me, along with holding space for whatever part of their journey in life they in. 

I love to learn, to travel and to experience different cultures and remain curious about their traditions and practices. This is just who I am. Being raised by a single mom is yet a driving force for me-seeing how hard she worked affirms the fact we need our village. I hope to one day be apart of yours.

I’ve had two hospital births in different situations, medicated and unmedicated, Doctors and midwives, so I can empathize and relate as I’ve been in your shoes. One birth didn’t go as I hoped or planned and the other was my redemption birth that went how I hoped and wished for. I truly believe having my Doula there helped my outcome and I am forever grateful for her. In fact, my doula is the one who saw something in me and encouraged me to do what I’ve been thinking about for years-my official doula training.

As I raise my sons in a city far away from much of my family and childhood friends, I also know the challenges of postpartum first hand. My various life experiences, my value system, and my education and training through Doula Training Internationals full spectrum program prepare me to be the support you need in this journey. I’m truly passionate about advocating for my clients and building lifelong relationships with them.